What clients say about working with me...
Anonymously quoted
I came out of each session a big step further along my journey
Having realised that I was being overwhelmed by some issues in my personal life, I came to Funbi on a friend's recommendation. She was welcoming and calm from the beginning and allowed me to tell my story without feeling any judgement. She struck just the right balance of giving space to talk and giving input, and I felt that her input was really well paced as I started to have my own little revelations about the issue. She was supportive but also challenged my assumptions, which held up a mirror to my own attitudes and behaviours - the one thing I do have control to change, but that were, I now realise, contributing to the issue. I came out of each session a big step further along my journey, and feel so much better equipped to cope - and look after myself - in the challenges ahead. Thank you so much Funbi!
Our sessions have been brilliant
Our sessions have been brilliant and I'm really grateful for how much you have helped me over the last few months. I feel I am in the place now to 'go it alone' and see how I get on.
I found working with Funbi transformational
I found working with Funbi transformational. I was able to reach things within me that I was not expecting to or even aware of. The therapy has enabled me to start to draw the best from all aspects of my daily life and has improved my resilience and emotional wellbeing.
The channels of self-awareness that Funbi has opened up within me will continue to help me grow in the way that I want to, even after therapy. I feel like a better, more balanced and more alive version of myself.
Funbi is really authentic, completely unpretentious and genuinely engaged in the process and I found it really easy and nourishing working with her.
Her warmth and personality make the process a more human one
My conversations with Funbi were very helpful for getting clarity on my own experiences - giving me a greater vocabulary and awareness with which to understand, accept and, where appropriate, change aspects of my life. Her style leaves lots of space for you to explore things yourself whilst also creating focus on specific issues. Her warmth and personality make the process a more human one.
I feel that I am in a much better place mentally
I thank you for all of your help in the last few months, it has helped me have some good insight and I feel that I am in a much better place mentally. Thank you for giving me the tools to continue my journey.
I am thankful I met Funbi and cannot imagine how different my life would be if I hadn't
Funbi is a wonderful therapist and person. Having tried therapy before, I was sure that it wasn't for me. When I came to my first session with Funbi, I was, thus, very taken aback. She listens intently to my problems and perceptively picks up on issues that I had looked past. I found it incredibly useful and our sessions has changed the way in which I approach people in my life for the better including my family, potential romantic partners and my friends. I am thankful I met Funbi and cannot imagine how different my life would be if I hadn't.
​Thank you so much for everything over the last few months. You have had an incredible impact on my life, and you have helped me so much.
The time was mine!
The sessions with Funbi were very rewarding. The time was mine! I was supported and encouraged to be open and honest about myself, recognising and addressing the issues which had limited me for so long.
The process was deeply healing
I came to a point where I felt "Stuck" in several aspects of my life. Things that I had normally been able to deal with became obstacles that I could not pass. This was partnered by increasing anxiety, depressive thoughts and poor sleep. This was effecting my relationships and work, I realised I needed some help to balance my life and restore some calm.
Luckily, I found Funbi at Chrysalis Place and was able to have regular sessions to explore what was happening with me and why things had got out of kilter. The safe, secure and warm environment really helped me understand why I was feeling like I did, but also gave me the ability to handle my feelings without the pain that they previously brought to me. My anxiety and depression lifted and I once again I feel more like me. The process was deeply healing and has immensely helped with my relationships and work issues.
​I would encourage anyone who finds themselves with similar issues to see if they can get the same help as I did from Funbi.
Funbi was highly recommended to me by a friend.
I approached Funbi for therapy for some family issues I was having, they were not anything major but they had been stressing me out for a long time and I felt I was going around in circles. Funbi was highly recommended to me by a friend.
I did not know what to expect as I had not had therapy before. I was under the impression that therapists are quite cold, and that I would need several sessions before getting anywhere.
Funbi was brilliant, she was not judgemental, very helpful and asked the right questions from the beginning which brought a lot of subconscious issues to the forefront- even issues I didn’t realise I had. I was pleasantly surprised! We had quite a few sessions and I feel I really resolved the problems I was having and have since felt great and relieved. I loved Funbi’s approach, she was so easy to chat with and very warm. I felt I could really trust her with my problems. I will definitely be in touch with Funbi again as I think it is so important to develop yourself even though you think you may not have serious emotional issues.
​I think everyone should seek therapy once in a while even if they think their issues are small. However I think you need the right therapist to help you and I would highly recommend Funbi to anyone who is having trouble with anything they think is small or serious.
Her style of therapy was useful for me, as a bipolar patient
Funbi is a very professional psychotherapist. She listened carefully to my words at the same time that she was paying attention to how my emotions were linked with my thoughts. Her style of therapy was useful for me, as a bipolar patient, to focus on the key events that were affecting me and our progress during the process was very fast. After four sessions, we did a good closing and I recovered my emotional stability.
It was the first time I saw a difference in my life
I have been to therapy sessions previously but never felt like it really did anything for me. When I went to see Funbi, it was the first time I saw a difference in my life. She really helped me to understand things about myself that I couldn't figure out on my own and ways to deal with them.
A safe and comfortable place
I wanted to say that I found your office environment a safe and comfortable place, and that your approach was varied and calm. I think it was great that you used some art therapy when words weren't working. Your communication and responses were quick and it was easy to arrange meetings and payment.